Last year Cerita Hidup was born out of the passion and curiosity to just serve Him outside the comfort zone. Not knowing the outcome, Cerita Hidup Worship Night on October 27th, 2023 was held at Istora Senayan and 8,000 people showed up! They were thirsty and hungry to worship together and to feel the presence of our God.
Our heart felt for Bekasi and 4000 people showed up and we would continue spreading the fire one place at a time.
We are doing an UNSCRIPTED Intimate Worship this coming Dec 5th, 2024 at Bengkel Space, SCBD. Barebone, No full band. Simplified. Unscripted and start from within. No judgement. Come as who you are and go home with a new set of reminder, a new mindset, a new fulfilled heart that we need the one and only God, Jesus Christ in our lives.
Tickets are by donation only. Feel free to donate as a you wish. See you on the 5th Dec, 2024!
This Cerita Hidup Worship Night journey teaches us to be humble. Through this journey it teaches us to be dependent only on to Him. Through this journey it teaches us the meaning of walking with faith instead of sight. Through this journey the painful process continues. Through this journey it makes us closer to Him. Through this journey we know He’s there in every steps of the way. Through this journey we are nothing without Him.
Thank you for your enthusiasm. We are beyond words that there are so many people that are hungry for Him.