Berawal dari turning point seseorang yang berbalik kepada Tuhan in January 2021. It was a very humbling experience that God could touch and changed his heart directly. He was someone that was far away from God for more than 15 years.
He was processed and it was not a pleasant experiences during those 2 years until today but he has encountered so many undeniable experiences throughout his journey with Him.
He got a glimpse of a vision that Istora Senayan would be filled up with people that are hungry to worship our God, people that have been away from Him, people that have lost a personal relationship with Him and some would be their first time meeting Him. He then met his long lost friend that had not met for more than 10yrs and he personally encountered a personal relationship with God as well. The two connected right away. They both knew they had to do something to pay back God’s love. The “Cerita Hidup” Worship Night was born.
This Cerita Hidup Worship Night journey teaches us to be humble. Through this journey it teaches us to be dependent only on to Him. Through this journey it teaches us the meaning of walking with faith instead of sight. Through this journey the painful process continues. Through this journey it makes us closer to Him. Through this journey we know He’s there in every steps of the way. Through this journey we are nothing without Him.
This is our desire. This is our willingness. This is our longingness.
Where Istora Senayan is always used for regular concert but for once let Your name be lifted up high in October 27th.
Thank You for Your second chance. Thank You for giving us a glimpse of Your vision. Thank You for sharing Your heart out. Thank You for Your voice.
When You said:
“Why don’t You do it for ‘ME’?”
Let Your will be done.
Sebab Aku ini mengetahui rancangan-rancangan apa yang ada pada-Ku mengenai kamu, demikianlah firman Tuhan, yaitu rancangan damai sejahtera dan bukan rancangan kecelakaan, untuk memberikan kepadamu hari depan yang penuh harapan.
Stage, Date & Location
Be Strong. Be Faithful Semoga Terberkati.
Wanna share your Life Story?
Masing2 dari kita mempunyai Cerita Hidup sendiri. It’s our personal living stories yang tidak ada orang lain yang tau selain diri kita sendiri. Kita tidak cukup dengan cuman berkata “Thank You God” but we would please Him by sharing our “Cerita Hidup” about His goodness in our lives to others.
Jikalau teman teman sekalian tergerak untuk menceritakan the Goodness of God, please do so. So others can be strengthen from your own personal stories. Your personal experiences might help others in need at this very moment. Let us know if your name wants to be published or kept anonymous. Click the button below!
He was processed and it was not a pleasant experiences during those 2 years until today but he has encountered so many undeniable experiences throughout his journey with Him.